Weaviate has great docs on how to deploy on K8s using Helm, however
this guide is specifically focused on an end-to-end deployment of
Weaviate on GKE with replication turned on. The following topics will be covered:
In a Kubernetes cluster, a privileged pod is a pod that has been given
extended permissions beyond the default set of permissions. These extended
permissions can include the ability to access the host's network, devices,
and other sensitive resources. While privileged pods can be useful in
certain situations, they also …
ChatGPT at the time of writing this blog does not have an official API nor
libraries published. Luckily, many folks have inspected the API calls made
when using the ChatGPT web UI and created unofficial Python clients.
This blog post, will show you how to use the unofficial chatGPT python …
CEL for admission control is a new 1.26 feature. With the feature, define
ValidationAdmissionPolicy to express your desired policy
and ValidationAdmissionPolicyBinding to assign the policy to e.g. a namespace.
This post has the following sections:
Creating a 1.26 cluster with ValidationAdmissionPolicy / CEL Admission enabled
K8s on your laptop is helpful for initial development and testing environment. Minikube
makes it easy to get K8s deployed on your laptop. Let's get K8s installed by doing
the following:
Installing required tools: docker, minikube and kubectl
Deploying the minikube cluster with minikube start
Many applications require searching through large text fields
in your firestore database. For example, you might need to search
through articles containing a specific word or searching for a
Cloud Firestore does not have support for indexing of text fields. So 3rd
party solutions such as Weaviate or ElasticSearch …
You only got a few GPUs and want to pretend to your end-users that you got
many? Then GKE GPU timesharing might just be the feature for you to save
costs on GPUs that are underutilized. In this
blog post you will learn:
Creating a GKE nodepool with timesharing enabled …
GKE by default deploys kube-dns and other system services to any of your
nodepools. This is probably fine for most cases, but certain use cases
might require preventing system services from running on the same nodes as
your where your applications are running. This blog post provides instructions
on how …
You are at one of those places that requires you to use a proxy to access
your company wide Docker registry. Sometimes HTTP proxies are used to supposedly
improve security or to workaround IP based rate limits.
Well good luck, you're in for a ride on how to do this …