Full Text & Vector Search for Firestore with Weaviate
Thu 03 November 2022 | Last updated on Tue 06 December 2022Many applications require searching through large text fields in your firestore database. For example, you might need to search through articles containing a specific word or searching for a concept.
Cloud Firestore does not have support for indexing of text fields. So 3rd party solutions such as Weaviate or ElasticSearch are required for search.
This blog post describes how to integrate Weaviate with Firestore to enable Full Text and Semantic search for an example Note taking application. At a high-level the following will be done:
- Deploy Weaviate and define the Schema in Weaviate
- Create a Firebase Function to index Notes automatically when a note is created
- Create a Firebase Function to Search the indexed Notes using Weaviate
Deploy Weaviate and define Schema
You can use Weaviate Cloud Service or you can deploy Weaviate yourself by choosing one of the self-deploy options here.
This blog post uses the Weaviate Cloud Service because that provides us with an easy to use public endpoint for Weaviate. Ensure Enable OIDC Authenication is set to "Disabled". Note that this endpoint is accessible by anyone on the internet and doesn't require authentication. So this isn't suitable for production and for demo purposes only
Install Weaviate Javascript client:
mkdir firestore-weaviate-test
cd firestore-weaviate-test
npm install weaviate-client
Let's define the Weaviate Schema for our Note taking application. Currently this is stored in Firestore in the following way:
// /notes/${ID}
owner: "{UID}", // Firebase Authentication's User ID of note owner
text: "This is my first note!"
Now let's define our Schema to index the Firestore Note. Create a file named
with the following content:
const weaviate = require("weaviate-client");
const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: "https",
host: "your-wcs-instance.semi.network",
var classObj = {
class: "Note",
description: "An index for Full-Search of notes in Firestore",
vectorizer: "text2vec-openai",
moduleConfig: {
"text2vec-openai": {
model: "babbage",
type: "text",
properties: [
dataType: ["string"],
description: "The ID of the note",
name: "nid",
dataType: ["string"],
"The Firebase Authentication UID of the creator of the note",
name: "uid",
dataType: ["text"],
description: "The content of the note",
name: "text",
moduleConfig: {
"text2vec-openai": {
skip: false,
vectorizePropertyName: false,
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
Review the file and make sure you changed your-wcs-instance
to your actual
instance name. Alternatively, change the connection section to connect to
your self deployed Weaviate instance.
Execute the Schema creation script by running:
node schema-creation.js
Weaviate is now ready to start indexing notes. You can import existing notes by following the documention on importing data into Weaviate.
Indexing Firestore Notes automatically on creation
A Firebase Function can be used to automatically insert a Note into the Weaviate index when it is created. This assumes you've already created a Firebase project, if not, please create a firebase project first.
Initialize Firebase in your current working directly:
firebase init firestore
firebase init functions # say no to eslint
The above command will create a directory named functions inside your current working directory.
Change to the functions directory and install weaviate-client:
cd functions
npm install weaviate-client
Open the file index.js
and replace it with the following content:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const weaviate = require("weaviate-client");
const WEAVIATE_HOST = functions.config().weaviate.host;
const OPENAI_APIKEY = functions.config().weaviate.openaiapikey;
const client = weaviate.client({
scheme: "https", // http or https
headers: { "X-OpenAI-Api-Key": OPENAI_APIKEY },
// Update the search index every time a note is created.
exports.onNoteCreated = functions.firestore
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
// Get the note document
const note = snap.data();
// Use the 'nodeId' path segment as the identifier for Elastic
const id = context.params.noteId;
nid: id,
uid: note.uid,
text: note.text,
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
Configure the Firebase Environment based on your own values. Run the following command but replace the values to match your environment:
firebase functions:config:set weaviate.host="your-wcs-instance.semi.network" weaviate.openaiapikey="yourverysecretAPIkey"
Deploy the function by running:
firebase deploy --only functions
Let's try creating many notes (7k+) in Firestore to test the function. Create a file
named create-notes.js
with the following content:
const {
} = require("firebase-admin/app");
const {
} = require("firebase-admin/firestore");
const fs = require("fs");
const { parse } = require("csv-parse");
credential: applicationDefault(),
const db = getFirestore();
var parser = parse({ columns: true }, function (err, records) {
records.forEach(async (record) => {
const docRef = await db.collection("notes").add({
uid: "same",
text: record.description,
fs.createReadStream(__dirname + "/wine_reviews.csv").pipe(parser);
Download a demo dataset that contains wine reviews. We'll use the content for the notes.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/semi-technologies/weaviate-examples/main/semanticsearch-transformers-wines/data/wine_reviews.csv
The code for creating notes requires application default credentials. Let's configure your Google Application Default credentials by running the following:
gcloud config set project your-firebase-project-name
gcloud auth application-default login
Install the node-csv dependency by running:
npm install csv-parse
Create the notes in Firestore by running:
node create-notes.js
Verify the notes have also been created in Weaviate by running this GraphQL query in Weaviate:
Get {
Note {
Creating a Firebase Function to search using Weaviate
Let's add another firebase function by adding the following code at the bottom of index.js
exports.searchNotes = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const concepts = data.concepts;
const notes = await client.graphql
.withFields("nid uid text")
concepts: concepts,
distance: 0.6,
return {notes: notes.data.Get.Note};
Deploy the updated functions to Firebase by running:
firebase deploy --only functions
Afterwards, you can use the firebase callable function in your Firebase app like this:
var searchNotes = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('searchNotes');
searchNotes({concepts: ["light fruity wine"]}).then( (result) => {
const notes = result.data.notes;
console.log(notes[0]); // print the 1st result
This blog post demonstrated how to implement Full Text Semantic Search for Firestore by using Weaviate. The index in Weaviate is automatically updated whenever a new document is added to Firestore. OpenAI is used to automatically generate a vector for the text field. The firebase callable function makes it easy to search through the database using Weaviate without having to call Weaviate directly.
Security note
The setup in this blog post uses an unauthenticated Weaviate setup. Depending on your requirements, you might need to configure some form of authentication between the Cloud Function and your Weaviate instance.