Deploying OpenStack on GCP

You want private cloud inside public cloud for additional security, improved agility, lower opex and ultimate flexibility? I present you OpenStack running on Google Compute Engine (GCE). I hope you got the joke, if not, let me explain there are no benefits to running OpenStack on GCP. OpenStack on GCP …

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Creating L2 connectivity between GCE VMs in GCP using VXLAN

Cloud providers often prevent you from using L2 protocols such as ARP. These protocols however are heavily used in existing software such as keepalived. This can make it hard for to move certain workloads to the cloud. This blog post demonstrates a method for creating L2 connectivity between Virtual Machines …

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Custom GCP Cloud Shell image with Terraform and Helm

Inpatient people who just want the end-result, please go to: GitHub: GCP Cloud Shell image with Terraform and Helm

Cloud Shell is one of the convenient features of Google Cloud providing you with a secure CLI directly from the browser. The default image contains almost all the tools you could …

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