Full migration/clone of linux installation to a new system(Without reinstalling)
Wed 14 November 2012 | Last updated on Tue 06 December 2022I'm switching to a new laptop, but don't want to have to install Archlinux again. So instead of re-installing I will try to copy all files and hope the system will work. In this blogpost I will describe the steps and issues I encountered while doing so.
Status: Succeeded!!!!
Summary of the plan: Boot from a live usb on the new system, create partitions with gparted, copy all the files over, change /etc/fstab to partition uuids, regenerate the mkinitcpio stuff (Still should read what this actually is).
On the new laptop following steps should be done:
- Boot from a Ubuntu live cd and start gparted
- Create a / partition (ext4)
- Create a /home parition (ext4)
- Create a /boot partition (ext2)
- Mount the newly created partitions under /mnt/
- Copy all files of the old laptop / /home to new laptop /mnt/ /mnt/home using rsync
- Chroot into the copied files on the new laptop
- Change the /etc/fstab to point to the new partition UUIDs
- Install grub on new harddrive and reconfigure Grub
- Recreate the ramdisk
Old Laptop:
Archlinux 64 bits, 8GB memory, AMD CPU and ATI card
Connected to router via internet cable, WIFI was way too slow to copy files
New laptop:
Intel CPU and nvidia video card
Detailed steps:
Boot from a live ubuntu USB on the new laptop and do the following:
Use gparted or fdisk to create the following partitions: /dev/sda1 filesystem: ext2 size: 512mb label: boot (100mb is needed, but had enough space will become /boot) /dev/sda2 filesystem: ext4 size: 30gb label: root(will become root /) /dev/sda3 filesystem: ext4 size: 180gb label: home(will become home /home)
After you have created the partitions successfully, mount all partitions to /mnt
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot mkdir /mnt/home mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home
Now go back to the old Archlinux laptop and copy all files to the newly created partitions:
rsync -azv --progress --exclude=/dev --exclude=/sys / [email protected]:/mnt/
This may take a while..................
After everything is copied over to the new laptop, we will have to change /etc/fstab to look as follows:
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0 LABEL=root / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1 LABEL=home /home ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2 LABEL=boot /boot ext2 defaults,noatime 0 2
Then reinstall Grub on the hard drive:
grub-install --force --target=i386-pc --recheck --debug /dev/sda
Why the --force? I encountered the following error: will not proceed with blocklists archlinux so after reading the wiki it said I could fix this by using --force.
Regenerate grub config:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Regenerate initial ramdisk:
mkinitcpio -p linux
Reboot the system
I also had to update my modules.d/xxx to not load some specific AMD modules for laptop-mode tools as the new laptop has an intel processor. Also has to remove the ati driver and change to intel open source driver:
yaourt -Rs xf86-video-ati
yaourt -S xf86-video-nouveau
The reason I am switching: My current HP 625 laptop has served its purpose for nearly 2 years. The CPU seems to be nearly burnt out, when I opened the laptop few days ago, the CPU was totally black, but still working.
References I used: Archlinux wiki: Migrate installation to new hardware https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Migrate_installation_to_new_hardware Forum post which basically does the same thing https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=145025