Django Custom View Decorator with Arguments
Thu 23 February 2012 | Last updated on Tue 06 December 2022To make my life easier I made a simple decorator which checks if the parameters are present in the request.POST or request.GET and returns a response if they are not.
It accepts a list of parameters in string format and will loop through each parameter to check if they are present in the request.POST.
I noticed there weren't a lot of guides about how to write a decorator for Django which takes arguments. I based my code on this tutorial, it's a really great guide which helps you understand Python decorators at a new level: Amazing insight about Python decorators
Here is the code I wrote for the decorator:
def required_parameters(parameters=('email', 'api_key'), http_method='POST'):
Check if the required parameters are present in the request
@param parameters: The names of the parameters that should be supplied
def inner_decorator(fn):
def wrapped(request, *args, **kwargs):
# check if the user api_key matches
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter not in getattr(request, http_method):
return json_response({'success': False, 'errors': 'Please use the Web API correctly and supply the parameter: '+parameter})
# Proceed like normally with the request
return fn(request, *args, **kwargs)
return wraps(fn)(wrapped)
return inner_decorator
An example of using it in your view:
@required_parameters(parameters=('email', 'username', 'password'))
def view_which_requires_email_username_and_password(request)
bla = 'bla'
return HttpResponse(bla)