Running Computer Vision algos on Spark with OpenCV

This post shows several computer vision steps implemented on top of Spark. OpenCV is used to extract features on top of OpenStack and Spark MLLib KMeans is used to generate our KMeans dictionary. Then we use Spark and simple vector / matrix manipulation to do coding and pooling.

Workflow implemented using …

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Elastic Data Processing on OpenStack with Spark, Tachyon and Swift

This post will describe how to configure, build and deploy Spark with Tachyon and Swift as storage. This architecture is meant to be more suitable for running Big Data workloads on top of the cloud such as OpenStack.

Using Swift as storage layer for Spark gives us the ability to …

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Hadoop on demand with Openstack, Cloudinit and Salt

This post will describe the whole process of providing hadoop on demand through Openstack, Cloudinit and Saltstack. We will use Openstack to provision servers on demand, cloudconfig to install salt-master and salt-minion and saltstack to deploy hadoop namenode and datanodes, all fully automated. This makes us able to deploy a …

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