Deploying Stable Diffusion Web UI using Docker on GCE T4 VM

A short guide on how to deploy Stable Diffusion Web UI on a Google Cloud Compute Engine VM with 1 T4 GPU.

Creating the GCE VM with T4 using the Google Cloud Deep Learning Image:

export IMAGE_FAMILY="common-cu110-ubuntu-2004"
export ZONE="us-west1-b"
export INSTANCE_NAME="stable-diffusion"
export INSTANCE_TYPE="n1-standard-4"
gcloud compute instances …

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Docker get private ip address of container

In order to access other containers from a container it's needed to get the private IP address of the other containers. The following command is able to get the private ip address of the container.

$ docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" $CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME

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Docker Multiple websites/domains on single ip/host tutorial using a HAproxy as reverse proxy

This post will describe how to expose multiple docker containers running websites on port 80 using HAproxy as a reverse proxy. This makes it possible to run multiple websites on different domains on a single public ip of the host.

The basic setup is to create 1 container for haproxy …

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